About Us Universal Training

About Us

Universal Training Certified is an Educational Institution, authorized educational partner for Miami of multinationals such as: Oracle University, Microsoft, Castle Worldwide, Android, Linux LPI, Scrum Study, CertiProf, Arcitura, Digium, People Cert and Pearson Vue. Pearson Vue is the multinational dedicated to the education and certification of educational resources and services worldwide for companies such as Adobe, Android ATC, Cisco System, Inc., Microsoft, Linux Professional Institute LPI, Oracle Certification Program, HP, SAP, VMware, Inc., Zend Technologies, Ltd., etc.

Training based on the concept of Dual Education

The evaluation is done based on performance. The performance evidence related to the practice is raised through the instructor's direct observation of the activities carried out by the student, and the performance evidence related to the theoretical component is raised through the interaction of the instructor with the students, through questions and Answers that allow validating the understanding and / or knowledge reached in each stage of training, and incidentally make it possible for the class to become more dynamic.

We have laboratories for the presentation of Pearson Vue exams, which lead to international certification, and complementary virtual education services through specialized supervision and control software and the transmission is done through our platform https://www.docenteenlinea.com.

Quienes Somos Aula Matriz


Based on a methodology oriented to practice and quality in our processes, we train human beings as integral technicians, who are able to show their skills in the labor market, for the benefit and development both personally and that of our society.


By 2024 we will be recognized as a training institution of high quality and excellence with great national and international growth.